A serverless journey

March 16, 2024

Serverless has been one of the biggest industry innovation in my career. I started playing with software in 2009 and I've been employed through this entire microservices era. Recently I've had some insights that I thought would make a good post. I hope you enjoy the reading even if you disagree with everything.


I'm going to start from the perspective of an 18 year old joining the software industry in the 2010's because that's where I fit. Back then, software was already mainstream and an established business. ATMs, credit cards, online purchase, online banking, filing tax, ERPs. Software had solidified into society and it was not going anywhere.

Looking back, I was just a kid during the 2YK bug and the dotcom bubble, but I'm going to build up from the experience of the aftermath of these events. In the 90's lots of important technologies were born. MySQL, PHP, Ruby, Java, Javascript, Python, etc. These tools were later going to be the center of what runs the world of technology. In the 2000's there was a need to make these tools mainstream. Knowledge needed to be spread and with the advance of the internet, humanity saw another "gold rush" event. Companies that could build something useful with software was going to revolutionize the way humans work and they had a very limited time to do so - hence "rush". Combine that with the fact Software Engineering had borrowed a lot from well established engineering practices (Mechanical, Civil) and we got ourselves giant monoliths built from the ground up in ways not intended to be changed. After all, once a 30-store building is finished, nobody will refactor it to make it just 20-store or make it 45-store. When the product is done, it is fully done.

Software Engineering Transition

The digital world isn't ruled by some of the laws of the physical world. In it, we actually can make exact and perfect replica of things. When we get to my period (2010's), the world has already built a lot of monoliths based on engineering practices like "Waterfall". These monoliths weren't built in the Cloud or for the Cloud because Cloud Computing didn't exist. Not every household had a home-computer. Smartphones was not something that nearly every human had one. When companies invested thousands of dollars buying servers and setting up a server room, developers would assume that the server was just that, nothing more and nothing less. Of course they would assume the local disk was always present (stateful) and where files would be stored. AWS S3 was a baby born in 2006 and not an industry standard yet. Horizontal scaling was a multi-thousand dollar project that required months of buying more servers and provisioning electricity. Depending on what equipments were bought, Vertical Scaling could be a possibility if that meant buying some more plug-and-play CPU, RAM or Disk.

The 2010's need was divided into 2 major categories: redesign for the cloud and redesign for constant change. When servers started to malfunction, companies wanted to make that a service provider problem and not have to deal with the infrastructure necessary to power, maintain, clean and run servers. In parallel to that, society was rapidly changing and everyone wanted to start using their smartphone devices with a smaller screen to perform tasks that previously required a computer with a big screen. When I look back through these lenses, microservices is the only and most obvious natural next step. They would be responsible for lowering the risk-factor of rebuilding giant 10+ year old monoliths by delivering small, incremental value (agile anyone?) while allowing to take the Cloud for a test-drive.

2010's was the perfect scenario for the rise of Docker and Serverless. Developers would learn about the Strangler Pattern and "surgically" separate one small piece of the monolith, write down all of its system dependencies in a recipe (Dockerfile) and ship it to a Cloud Provider. Whether this worked flawlessly or not isn't important yet because this is just a small piece of the software needed to run the business. Most critical parts are still baked into the monolith. The world is still constantly changing every day and the business still needs the ability to adapt, so this is working well enough.

The Economic Landscape (2010)

Interest rate was pretty low. Money was cheap. This is the decade marked by high investment. Companies that survived after the 2000's dotcom bubble became billion dollar unicorns. Every investor in 2010 wanted to create the next Google, Amazon, Paypal, YouTube, etc. This economic environment was the cherry on the cake for projects like Docker. Money were being poured into opportunities for growth. Profitability wasn't relevant here, which is a very odd thing for the financial market, something well established for 400 years. Docker had one of the highest growth opportunity business. Every developer was facing a monolith that needed to be redesigned for the Cloud and partitioned into microservices. Two major constraints were simultaneously lifted during this period: availability of money and limitation of servers.

Software designed to run on a single server room had structural issues in moving to containers because basic assumptions are completely different: the local disk is not permanent, the process restarts on every deployment, graceful shutdown becomes highly important, anything that requires state has to be hosted outside and separated (Redis, Database, Queue, etc). Since there were many developers available to break the monolith apart and a variety of technology available, it was not uncommon for separate teams to develop using different strategies, different technologies and different programming languages.

The Present

Money played an important role in the rise of microservices because it created software development roles and allowed for well-established companies like AWS and Google to invest heavily in transforming how we work with microservices. Docker, AWS ECS, Kubernetes and AWS Lambda are all products of the 2010's decade. Which brings us to 2020's. The decade started off with COVID and a huge boom in technology. Every company in the world needed to adjust for remote work. Be it VPN, laptops, internet or whatever, the world became remote-first and drove more money into the tech industry. Meanwhile, a public health disaster takes place, creating uncertainty and driving business that cannot survive in the digital world to the ground. Unemployed people need help from their family, from government, etc. The uncertainty of the moment reduces circulation of money since it's safer to hold onto what you have.

Tech still seem to be thriving, but within 2 years of COVID and the spread of the vaccine, things are about to change drastically. I don't know exactly the cause or if there is even just one cause. But these are some of the important topics:

  • COVID relief may have impacted government tax
  • Unemployment reduces economic activity
  • US Section 174 comes into effect
  • Inflation grows and affects availability of capital
  • Russia invades Ukraine and Europe energy cost skyrockets
  • Israel at war with Hamas

I can't pinpoint the most relevant fact, but we know that the Tech industry goes through massive layoffs, causing more unemployment which impacts economy even more. Smaller companies that may have been profitable for a long time might have a chance to grab one Google or Microsoft Engineer at this point. A lot of folks will still go unemployed for several months.

This leads to companies that used to have several developers using different programming languages and developing microservices now faced with the consequences: if the entire Java team is laid off, folks at the Python or Golang team has to take over their microservices development and maintenance. Ironically, the 2000's monolith created for server rooms that were broken down into microservices for the cloud now lack the manpower needed to keep them afloat and the next step is to merge these microservices back together.

Open mindedness

I have advocated for Docker, AWS Lambda and Microservices. But I also think it's important to re-evaluate our choices based on the reality we currently live in. If I were to go back to 2010, I would likely not do much different in terms of adopting these practices. They were absolutely needed to take us from where we were to where we are. But I think they served their purposes and now we're facing a different reality. Development teams are smaller, companies need to be profitable and stop burning through cash and the overhead created by microservices makes it harder to manage and improve. Instead of closing our eyes to the monster we've created, I'd rather be critical about it and wonder if there is a better way.

We're currently living through the result of our work and folks that create technical content are already reflecting on that. Google has recently published a scientific paper talking about the challenges and overhead of managing microservices. New businesses are starting from scratch in 2024, building a 10k MRR revenue while running on a $7/month Digital Ocean server, handling 2 million requests a month. Some companies had to let go their DevOps team and developers are now faced with the huge burden that is to orchestrate their microservices.

This thought process drives the conversation to a stressful and predictable path: most folks when thinking about servers and monoliths will only have the 2000's experience to reflect and compare. As if the world has been stuck in 2000 and the only options are 2000's high complexity server management or 2020 containers and serverless functions. This couldn't be further from reality. If you're still interested, let's dive into some important changes.

The world is not static

Anything that you haven't touched in 5 years is hardly the same today as it was when you last tried it. Unless it's an abandoned project. Things that you abandon don't suddenly freeze in time.

Automation testing

Although automation testing is not a new practice and it wasn't a new practice in 2010, I get the sense that it solidified itself into the industry through the last decade. Let's recap the perspective: 2000's dotcom bubble and the rush of capitalism towards the digital age. Things had to be built fast and with little time for research and development, using Civil Engineering foundation. Monoliths are the result of it. Changes are inevitable and agile practices become mainstream. Making changes and revalidating that they don't break anything is expensive and tedious. Businesses start to learn that even though it takes longer to develop with automation testing in the beginning, it certainly empowers faster development later on. In 2010, educational content around automation testing were lacking to say the least. Nowadays my (biased) opinion is that it's much easier and common to teach folks starting their career in tech how crucial automation tests are. Tests empowers constant changes. Some folks might disagree with this statement because it's not hard to find projects in 2024 without any automation testing whatsoever. But bear in mind that I'm looking at a vast pool of projects here. Compared to 2000's I truly believe we have an order of magnitude more automation testing today, even if we still don't have enough.


We've learned that software projects are not like buildings and they require constant change and adjustments. Something that I think mark the learnings from 2000's is the regular cadence of software updates. Back then, releases were made according to what each individual company could manage and this is reflected in Office 2003, Office 2007, etc. Programming tools were no different. PHP, MySQL, Java, etc, didn't have the most predictable release cadence. But it seems the software industry learned that it's best to set a hard date and keep the schedule at all costs. Because changes to library code and programming tools affect the entire industry and everyone needs time to adjust to it. PHP has an yearly release cycle and so does Laravel and Symfony. Laravel actually adjusted its release cycle in order to match the one from PHP and this is only possible because PHP has a predictable release.

Semantic Versioning, bug and security fixes, major verions and breaking changes are all well understood practices and play a major role in maintaining the stability of the software industry.


Hardware has greatly improved and became cheaper since the 2000's. One important piece of history that I like to look back are smartphones. They started to become widespread in the 2010's and they had no backward compatibility requirements. Software that ran on computers wouldn't run on smartphones. They would need specific implementations. They were also very limited in size, so efficient battery consumption and CPU were of utmost importance. This is where ARM microchips come to life. CPU architecture could be implemented breaking backward compatibility because there was no past to be compatible with. Mobile software were brand new. ARM advanced so much that by 2018 AWS come up with Graviton microchips and by 2020 Apple came out with Mac M1. These two combined made a huge turning point in the software industry. Projects running in production in the cloud needed to be compatible with ARM in order to benefit from Graviton and software engineers working on Macbooks needed software compatible with ARM in order to, well, develop it. This forced PHP, MySQL, Docker, Node and anything tech-related to work towards ARM compatibility. This advancement helped make applications more efficient and performant, reducing energy consumption and cost overall.


The big one, where things all come together. Serverless is now about 10 years old. It's a well established practice and has reached high potentials. I don't know if we will ever see huge innovations and advancements on serverless, but as it stands now it's a great piece of technology and with high volume of content. But folks that have been working exclusively with serverless for years might be blinded by how the other half lives. It's not hard to discuss with a serverless advocate and suddenly feel like you're comparing serverless in 2024 against servers in 2010. It's pretty clear how servers in 2010 completely loses this battle, but for a more productive conversation to flow, we need to bring it to parity. Software built with automation testing practices, relying on predictable release cadence of dependencies (Operating System, Programming Language, Database Engine, etc) and running on top of highly performant microchips are hardly comparable to monoliths at the end of the 2010 era running on purpose-built single server in a physical server room. Operating system crashes are more uncommon, CVEs and security practices are well established, semantic versioning helps in preventing BC breaks, release schedules makes it predictable when updates are due. All of this empowers the most important part of server management: automation. A good security strategy is to make sure the system can automatically install security fixes. And we have service providers that are able to provide such automation because of all improvements that we've seen in the software industry (hello SSM Patch Manager).


I'm an advocate for serverless and I have deep hands-on experience with it. But I think the next decade will have more innovation in the server and monolith space than with Serverless. Serverless has been crucial in the trajectory towards cloud computing, breaking monoliths apart, providing scalability and improving performance by scaling horizontally. When money is a constraint, innovation plays a big role in making things simpler, efficient and focused on what's essential. I expect the software industry to start a movement towards slimming down. Too many technologies spread across too many teams is a liability without profitability. Horizontal scaling and system orchestration can be one, too. An application running on a single server with a single tech stack and focus on a business strategy can accomplish a lot nowadays. But that doesn't mean we need to throw out every good practice discovered in the last 20 years and go back to 2000's. Even when running on a single server, we can still rely on S3, use a managed database service, use a load balancer and stateless implementations, dedicate time to automation testing and release everyday with CI/CD strategies.

Let's keep ourselves open to what come next!

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