Laravel Report: Date Range

March 08, 2021

This is the third post on a Laravel Report series

Part 1: Dynamic Page Size.

Part 2: User Defined Sorting.

Nowadays it's very common to have more data than you can actually act on. Filtering is a natural part of reporting. The most common type of reporting filter is around date. It allows users to disregard data that became stale or irrelevant and focus on /recent/fresh/actionable data.

For a ticketing system, that may be the number of open tickets in the last quarter. For an accounting system maybe that could be the total revenue on the previous calendar-year. These type of filters usually carry a start and an end date provided by the user.

The Period Interface

On a single system, there's likely multiple date fields on multiple objects that could be important to provide filtering capabilities. For that reason, I decided to start with a Period interface that will dictate how I want to work with these input.

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Components\Report\Input\Period;

interface Period
    public function valid(): bool;

    public function field(): string;

    public function start(): string;
    public function end(): string;

The good thing about defining an interface is that we're then able to write a Builder manipulator class that will be able to apply a date range clause to any query as long as the interface is implemented by the Data Transfer Object.

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Components\Report\Input\Eloquent;

use App\Components\Report\Input\Period;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder as Eloquent;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder as Builder;

final class EloquentPeriodScope
    public function __construct(private Period $period) {}

    public function __invoke(Eloquent|Builder $builder): void
        $builder->when($this->period->valid(), function (Eloquent|Builder $builder) {
                [$this->period->start(), $this->period->end(),

Important: Watch out for SQL Injection on the dynamic field definition. $this->period->field() should ONLY return strings that have been explicitly allowed.

Data Transfer Object

Following the same pattern of the Dynamic Page and the Dynamic Sort, we can now start defining objects that will hold date range for objects that make sense to the data we're trying to report. For the Ticket System example we could define a TicketPeriod object.

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Components\Report\Input\Period;
use Carbon\CarbonImmutable;

final class TicketPeriod implements Period
    public function __construct(
        private ?string $field,
        private ?CarbonImmutable $start,
        private ?CarbonImmutable $end,
    ) {}
    public static function null(): self
        return new self(null, null, null);
    public function valid(): bool
        // By explicitly specifying which fields can be used we're protecting ourselves
        // against SQL injection when the field is used by Eloquent. Always remember
        // that Prepared Statement only work for values and never for field names.
        $fields = ['created_at', 'closed_at', 'first_interaction_at'];
        if (! in_array($this->field, $fields)) {
            // use abort(422, '') if applying a valid date filter is mandatory.
            // Return false if applying a filter is not mandatory.            
            return false;
        if (! $this->start || $this->end) {
            return false;
        return true;        

    public function field(): string
        return $this->field;

    public function start(): string
        return $this->start->startOfDay()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    public function end(): string
        return $this->end->endOfDay()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

Now all we need is to bind this class into the Container for usage:

    public function register()
        $this->app->bind(TicketPeriod::class, function () {
            /** @var Request $request */
            $request = $this->app->make(Request::class);
            $range = $start = $end = null;
            $start = $request->input('period.ticket.start');
            $end = $request->input('period.ticket.end');
            $field = $request->input('period.ticket.field');
            if ($start && $end && $field) {
                $start = CarbonImmutable::parse($start);
                $end = CarbonImmutable::parse($end);
                return new TicketPeriod($field, $start, $end);
            return TicketPeriod::null();


Now let's build on top of the previous parts and see how usage would look like:

    public function __construct(
        private Ticket $ticket,
        private TicketPeriod $period, 
        private Page $page,
        private Sort $sort,
    ) {
        ])->fallback('created_at', 'asc');
    public function tickets(): Collection
        return $this->ticket->newQuery()
            ->addSelect(' as user_email')
            ->addSelect(' as staff_email')
            ->join('users', '', '=', 'tickets.user_id')
            ->leftJoin('staff', '', '=', 'tickets.staff_id')
            ->tap(new EloquentPeriodScope($this->period))

This report will now protect the database against heavy load by paginating the result set in a dynamic page size (user-provided), sort by user-provided field and also filter on a date range that the user get to choose start date, end date and which field they can use for date range.


This post closes a simplified version of reporting components that can make the reporting capabilities on your Laravel application extremely powerful. Pagination allows the system to load efficiently, Sorting allows users to focus first on high-priority records and Date Range allows users to filter out stale data that may no longer be relevant.

I might follow up this series with a few more example of interesting components for reporting, but I believe these 3 together already give a basic insight on how Data Transfer Objects allows for an application-wide standard of communication between frontend and backend and a consistent user experience when navigating the reports on the application.

Follow me on Twitter to stay tuned with this series.


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Marco Deleu
Writing bad code for 15 years. Passionate about Laravel and AWS.