Using AWS Lambda as a private Laravel API

April 11, 2020

About two years ago I was working on a service that was suppose to expose some private APIs. These APIs did not require any authentication process, but were meant to be consumed exclusively by other services that we own. We could have used some sort of authentication process or signed keys for this. But at the time, I found Route 53 private DNS functionality integrated with AWS ECS and went with it. What this meant was that our services could make API calls to my-private-service.internal and this would resolve to some sort of private IP address (e.g. Everytime AWS ECS spins up a new container for my-private-service, it automatically updates AWS Route 53 with the container's private IP. So long the consumers are running on the same VPC and has proper Security Group, they're able to privately communicate with my-private-service by simply querying my-private-service.internal DNS, which meant the code needed nothing special.

Implications of moving a private AWS ECS container to AWS Lambda

Fast-forward 2 years and AWS has improved the AWS Lambda cold start drastically, which means that we no longer need containers running 24/7 to provide such a private API. We can move this to Lambda. At least I thought it would be that straight-forward. You see, I didn't remember I had done all this crazy stuff regarding private DNS and that the service had no authentication mechanism whatsoever. I only realized that after I had a working prototype running on Lambda function and it was time to change the DNS to point to my Lambda Function. To my surprise, the DNS was not behind the Load Balancer which is when I realized the issue. To put it behind the Load Balancer, I would need to develop an authentication mechanism and think about the security implications of it. The alternative was to change the consumers to use AWS SDK Lambda Invoke instead of an API call. I ended up implementing option #2 here. Being invoked by AWS SDK meant that the execution would require an IAM Role with such permission, which was easy to grant to the ECS containers consuming the API.

The source code structure

While digging through the source code, I noticed that the developer that had implemented the APIs did it using Laravel Form Request objects with all of the necessary validations tied to the Http context. Some people may argue that this is a bad design or that "a Request object shouldn't know how to validate itself" and that this bad design lead me to a coupling with the Http Context that I couldn't get rid easily. While all this may be true, I still think it's far more beneficial than damaging. After all, this is a handful of APIs among thousands of APIs that actually ended up needing to swap Http context with something else. And in the end, I got creative and kept the source code pretty much as-is.

Lambda Invoke to Http Request

The mindset behind this problem that lead me to this solution was this: Laravel has an index.php file which captures the Request information from the PHP Superglobals and handles the request through the Http Kernel. If I write a different "index.php" that simulates the exact same behavior, but instead of extracting the request data from the Superglobals it extracts from the Lambda Event, everything would continue to work as-is. Here's the request.php that I wrote for Bref:


use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException;

define('LARAVEL_START', microtime(true));

require __DIR__ . '/../../../../vendor/autoload.php';

/** @var \Illuminate\Foundation\Application $app */
$app = require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../bootstrap/app.php';

return function (array $event) use ($app) {
    $kernel = $app->make(\Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel::class);

    if (! isset($event['LARAVEL_ROUTE'])) {
        throw new HttpException(404, 'The LARAVEL_ROUTE variable was not specified.');

    if (! isset($event['LARAVEL_ROUTE_METHOD'])) {
        throw new HttpException(404, 'The LARAVEL_ROUTE_METHOD variable was not specified.');

    $response = $kernel->handle(
        $request = \Illuminate\Http\Request::create(
            $event['LARAVEL_REQUEST_BODY'] ?? []

    $kernel->terminate($request, $response);

    // We don't "send" the response as we need to return it to the Lambda. This means
    // headers will not be sent since this is not an actual HTTP Request. If you
    // need full HTTP support, use the actual `public/index.php` file instead.
    return $response->getOriginalContent();

With the exception of Headers not being sent because of the execution model, everything else is pretty similar to what it used to be. Particularly for this use case, headers were not important anyway. All we had to do was change the consumers from making an actual API call to my-private-service.internal to using the AWS SDK to invoke Lambda with a InvocationType => RequestResponse and the body of the request as the invocation Payload. We could move the path from the domain to the LARAVEL_ROUTE attribute of the payload and the HTTP Verb (GET, POST, PUT) to the LARAVEL_ROUTE_METHOD attribute. The body of the request would be inside LARAVEL_REQUEST_BODY and we're done.


The reason I thought about writing this down was mostly about the journey than the actual code. Thinking through the problem and optimizing the trade-offs is an important skill. When I started working on this project, I didn't expect to hit so many interesting challenges and what was even better was being able to overcome said challenges in such a short time. This entire project took me between 1 and 2 working days from conception to production. Granted, I was not tasked with changing any consumer code, I relied on my team to do that. I may have broken a few "best practices" along the way, but we're no longer paying AWS Fargate containers 24/7, all consumers are happy, the teammates that handled the consumer code thought I made it easy enough for them, the security aspect of the service was kept intact and the main technical cost was a custom Lambda handler with a few lines of code that mostly mimics Laravel's default index.php. Overall, 10/10 satisfaction with this job.

Hope you enjoyed the reading. If you have any questions, send them my way on Twitter.
