A monorepo approach to larger modules in Laravel and Lambda

February 28, 2021

I work with a large enterprise application that's broken down into a few teams, languages and modules. As I started finishing one module and moved to another, the process of going through setting up a brand new "micro-service", managing CI/CD, cross-region deployments, application configurations and other things started to burden me with boring repetitive work with little benefit. Modularizing an application is still important even though completely breaking it apart might not necessarily be a day-one activity.

Recently I've been working on the part of the application that will be receiving data. APIs, Webhooks, File upload, Integrations, etc. As I knew I'd be taking one module at a time and each of them is a large beast of it's own with a common purpose, I took a stand in favour of macroservice over microservice. I started one Laravel repository that would be the center of bringing this all together. However, for the sake of a possible fragmentation of modules in the future, I decided to put each module in it's own isolated domain. This helps with the fragmentation of the frontend team (not the same team handling all of these modules) and goes on a best-effort to isolate them away from being affected by a possible fragmentation that one day may come.

Source Code Structure

The source code structure differs greatly from a regular Laravel application. Instead of breaking things down by what they are, the structure focus more on separating things by what they do.

  • Library
    • Eloquent
    • Packages
      • Authentication
      • Logstash
      • Queue
      • Storage
  • Modules
    • Entities
    • Files
    • Integrations
    • Webhooks

The Library folder is where shared code lives. If someone tries to extract a module to it's own microservice, the entire "Library" folder can be replicated there. Perhaps it could even be a private Composer package if we had a lot more PHP engineers. With the exception of some Eloquent models that wouldn't need to be replicated, using source code from the Library package has to be in a more agnostic mindset. For example, the authentication mechanism is irrespective of which module the user is currently interacting with. Same goes for writing logs into Logstash or uploading files into S3.


The RouteServiceProvider can register multiple routing files and group them by domain. This will allow certain endpoints to be available only under a certain domain. That way if we have collision between modules, we can still replicate the same names without leaking backend details to the frontend.

    private function mapEntitiesRoutes()
        Route::group([], base_path('routes/entities.php'));

    private function mapWebhooksRoutes()

    private function mapFilesRoutes()

    private function mapIntegrationsRoutes()

Feature Tests

Feature Testing specific domains is pretty easy and can be done in a more automated manner. The folder structure kind of mimics the original source code:

  • Tests
    • Features
      • Entities
      • Files
      • Integrations
      • Webhooks

Each Module folder can hold it's own {Module}TestCase that basically consist of the following code snippet

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace Tests\Feature\Files;

use Tests\Components\FeatureTestCase;

abstract class FilesTestCase extends FeatureTestCase
    protected function prepareUrlForRequest($uri)
        $uri = trim($uri, '/');

        $uri = 'https://files.api.mydomain.com/' . $uri;

        return parent::prepareUrlForRequest($uri);

By overriding the prepareUrlForRequest method, we can continue to use Laravel's function $this->get(), $this->post() $this->put() and $this->delete() as we would on a regular Laravel application, without having to specify any information about the domain.

The Lambda deployment

There are two ways to handle the infrastructure for deployment of this strategy: separate lambdas or grouped lambdas. The choice of which strategy to use depends heavily on the Lambda itself. Let's recap a Lambda definition:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      FunctionName: my-macroservice-name
      CodeUri: .
      Handler: public/index.php
      Timeout: 30
      MemorySize: 768
      Role: !GetAtt LambdaExecutionRole.Arn
          LOGSTASH_PROCESSOR: http
        - !Sub "arn:aws:lambda:${AWS::Region}:209497400698:layer:php-80-fpm:6"
        - !Sub "arn:aws:lambda:${AWS::Region}:403367587399:layer:gmp-php-80:7"
        - !Sub "arn:aws:lambda:${AWS::Region}:403367587399:layer:redis-php-80:7"
      Runtime: provided.al2
        SecurityGroupIds: ...
        SubnetIds: ...

Looking at this configuration, we can come up with some questions:

  • Is there a particular module that requires more CPU/Memory/Timeout?
  • Is there any need for module-specific environment variable that cannot be shared?
  • Is there a necessity for isolating IAM permission between modules?
  • Do we need Lambda Metrics separated per module?

More often than not we can keep it simple and share the same Lambda for all modules. The way we do that with a Load Balancer is with the following snippet:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
    Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission
      FunctionName: !GetAtt [Api, Arn]
      Action: lambda:InvokeFunction
      Principal: elasticloadbalancing.amazonaws.com

    DependsOn: [GrantLoadBalancerInvokeToApi]
    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
      TargetType: lambda
        - Id: !GetAtt [Api, Arn]

    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule
        - Type: forward
          TargetGroupArn: !Ref TargetGroupForApi
        - Field: host-header
            - integrations.api.mydomain.com
            - files.api.mydomain.com
            - webhooks.api.mydomain.com
      ListenerArn: !ImportValue HttpsListener
      Priority: 10

  # Repeat this for every domain
    Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet
      HostedZoneId: !ImportValue HostedZone
      Name: files.api.mydomain.com
      Type: CNAME
        - !ImportValue LoadBalancerDns
      TTL: 3600

This will grant permission for AWS ALB to execute a specific Lambda function in my own account, setup the Target Group for the Lambda and attach a few domains on a new HttpsListenerRule to a shared Load Balancer. If you're curious about the !ImportValue HttpsListener aspect, check out One Load Balancer to rule them all. Lastly, we also need to register the DNS for each service.

Side note: I usually put the DNS registration separate from the Lambda deployment, that is in a dedicated template just for the DNS. The reason for that is that I would be able to separate an entire module into it's own source code repository without having to cause a downtime when deleting the DNS from one template and recreating it in another. Hopefully CloudFormation Import Resources will improve to allow this sort of thing to not be an issue.


With this setup I can focus more of my time on coding and less of it on AWS infrastructure for an entire microservice everytime a new separate module needs to be developed. Yes, I do run the risk of breaking the separation and coupling code of one module to code of another module, but we try on a best-effort to avoid that. The goal is to make it as easy as possible to fragment the project later on if needed but without sacrificing too much of effort on a promise of something that may never happen. This allows me to reuse the CI/CD strategy already in place while sacrificing the ability of deploying one module without deploying the other. As things progresses and the team grows, we might get some developers to be dedicated on a specific module and hopefully it won't be hard to separate it and let each team be on their way.

As always, hit me up on Twitter with any questions.
