FrankenPHP 502 Bad Gateway behind AWS ALB

March 22, 2024

This week I took FrankenPHP for a spin with AWS Fargate. I've been using AWS Lambda for so long that I forgot one hard lesson about Application Load Balancers. I also learned another lesson today.

Before I get started, let me tell you this: my container was working. I knew this because I launched it with a Public IP and if I used http://{container-public-ip} my FrankenPHP would respond with my application successfully.

Why the hell is my Web application working correctly, but when using an Application Load Balancer, it gives back 502 Bad Gateway?

Lesson 1: Unhealthy targets do not receive traffic

I used to know this, but I forgot about it a long time ago. When we register a target behind AWS ALB using Target Groups, if the target doesn't respond the healthcheck successfully, ALB doesn't even waste time trying to forward requests to the target, it replies back with 502 Bad Gateway right away.

Next I needed to investigate why the AWS ALB healthcheck was failing.

Lesson 2: HTTP/2 has an upgrade request from HTTP/1.1

I'm not going to deep dive into this because I didn't do my research. This post is mostly informational in the hopes to help anyone spend hours debugging this issue.

I had configured my Target Group to talk to my target container using HTTP/2 Protocol. Healthcheck was always tagging my container as unhealthy. I decided to start FrankenPHP with the -v flag (debugging) and the --access-log flag. This helped me notice that my target container was receiving an odd traffic: it had no host header, the uri was set to * and the HTTP Method was PRI. I've been working with Web applications for 15 years and I have never heard of a PRI HTTP Method, so I did a quick googling and I came across the shallow information that it has something to do with requesting a web server to upgrade the communication process to HTTP/2.

This is a bit of a sad situation. HTTP/2 is 10 years old (give or take?) and it was supposed to work fine. In fact, when I made plain HTTP request straight to my container, Google Chrome would establish an HTTP/2 connection with the container and the Web Server would just work.

There is something funky going on either in FrankenPHP, Caddy or AWS ALB. Even though I explicitly configured AWS ALB to use HTTP/2 Protocol, the ALB would still send a HTTP/1.1 request to my container asking it if it could upgrade to HTTP/2. This request was failing with a 404. Instead of actually talking HTTP/2 with my container, the PRI HTTP request was failing to upgrade to HTTP/2, which lead to AWS ALB tagging my container as unhealthy, making the whole particularly hard to debug.

After changing the Target Group to use HTTP/1.1 everything worked perfectly.

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