Pushing the boundaries of Eloquent

June 04, 2021

Check out my short series on Laravel Reports:

Part 1: Dynamic Page Size.

Part 2: User Defined Sorting.

Part 3: Laravel Report: Date Range

A few months back I sent a slack message to my team celebrating 3 years since I started a brand new Laravel project dedicated for our reporting service. Over the course of 3 long years this project has accumulated approximately 175 APIs and a rich set of non-functional requirements that includes date filtering, property filter, user-bound data restriction, dynamic pagination, CSV export, Trend (group by time), Stack (group by properties), Year to Year comparison and maybe a few more that I may be forgetting about. Nowadays I'm able to design a fully-functioning set of reporting functionalities that includes several of these features in a matter of hours thanks to the set of reporting components that I have designed over the years and today I would like to share a bit of my experience when doing these things.

This post will detail my personal view of many things in the development of a reporting service while leveraging Laravel and Eloquent. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. This is simply how I've been working for the past 2 years. Feel free to agree, disagree, learn or abhor anything and everything in chunks or bulks.

What Eloquent has to do with it?

SQL is hard for me. But I don't mean writing, reading and understanding one query. I mean managing dynamic queries, those that have tons of variable in the middle of them. In the past I have tried to diagnose and fix queries that had anywhere between 5 to 50 variables in the middle of them and it was unimaginably hard to read, understand and reproduce. Here's an attempt to illustrate what I wanted to avoid:

    SUM(IF(type = 1, revenue, 0)) as monthly_recurring_revenue,
    SUM(if(type = 2, revenue, 0)) as one_time_revenue,
LIMIT $page_size OFFSET ($page * $page_size)

This is one of the easiest to understand because it's kind of well structured, but even then you still have lots of code branches deciding whether to join a table or not, a bunch of loop accumulating columns to select from the database or operations to aggregate and sometimes we even had queries that surpassed 65k in characters, which could not be stored within the database for background exporting due to the limit of the TEXT column type.

I set myself on a journey to starting a much more manageable reporting service that would allow for fast, powerful and highly dynamic reporting capabilities and Eloquent was the single most powerful tool that allowed me to write code that was incredibly easy to reason about and manage.

A Trend Report

This is a type of reporting that reaches beyond just the limited context in which I work on. There are tons of services out there that offer some sort of trending reporting in their own way, so it seems a good place to start. Let's look at the requirements.

  • Given an interval, each data point represents a different time.
  • Data MUST be continuous (no lack of data points in a given interval).
  • Users may choose any of the datetime fields of a specific object.
  • Trends may be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly.
  • Sometimes data may cross more than just one table (correlation).

That's a reasonable list of business requirements. The hardest one was "Data MUST BE continous", so let's dig deeper on that one, consider the following query:

SELECT COUNT(*), DATE_FORMAT(`opened_at`,'%Y-%m') as `period`
FROM `tickets` 
GROUP BY `period`

This essentially represents a monthly trend. However, MySQL will not fill in the gaps. Let's say we're looking into a 3 year period, which represents 36 points in a line chart. If there are any months which no tickets were opened, MySQL will not provide those rows, so the dataset will not be continuous. In this particular case, we actually want to plot that 0 tickets were opened if there were any months with no new opened ticket.

Before we dig into an implementation, let's look at another somewhat hard requirement: multiple data sources. In this Trend Report, let's plot the correlation between number of open tickets and number of finalized sales.

SELECT COUNT(*), DATE_FORMAT(`purchase_at`, 'Y%-%m') as `period`
FROM `purchases`
GROUP BY `period`

Now let's look into how Laravel can tackle this.

final class PurchaseTicketCorrelationTrendRepository
    public function __construct(
        private PurchaseTicketCorrelationTrendInput $input,
        private Purchase $purchase,
        private Ticket $ticket,
    ) {}

    public function trend(): Table
        $purchaseTrend = $this->purchase->newQuery()
            ->selectRaw('COUNT(*) as `aggregate`')

        $ticketTrend = $this->ticket->newQuery()
            ->selectRaw('COUNT(*) as `aggregate`')

        return $this->input->trend->datapoints(function (string $period) use ($purchaseTrend, $ticketTrend) {
            $ticket = $ticketTrend->firstWhere('period', $period);
            $purchase = $purchaseTrend->firstWhere('period', $period);

            return [
                'period' => $period,
                'tickets_count' => (int) $ticket?->aggregate,
                'purchases_count' => (int) $purchase?->aggregate,

This is not a lot of code, but there is quite a lot to unpack here. Let's start with the easy ones. Purchase and Ticket are our Eloquent Model and we're aggregating their count and executing a get(). We don't need to paginate() this result because we are doing a Trend. Remember from the requirements that the trend will be either daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly. Even if we have an interval of 10 years with a GROUP BY day, that's 365 * 10 = 3650 rows. Regardless of how many records the table have, we won't run out of memory if we need to hydrate 3650 tickets model and 3650 purchases model.

The PurchaseTicketCorrelationTrendInput class is a Data Transfer Object that represents user input and a helper to get the right set of parameters for the reporting.

final class PurchaseTicketCorrelationTrendInput
    public EloquentTrend $trend;

    public function __construct(TicketPeriod $period, Interval $interval)
        $this->trend = new EloquentTrend($interval, $period);

The TicketPeriod object here is a Value Object that is automatically populated by request('period.ticket.start') and request('period.ticket.end'). Read more about it at Laravel Report: Date Range.

The interest bits are located in the EloquentTrend class. From the Repository class we have->tap($this->input->trend) which is the trigger for the GROUP BY and later we have $this->input->trend->each() which will help us build an array with every single data point in the date interval provided by the user.

final class EloquentTrend
    public function __construct(
        private Interval $interval,
        private Period $period,
    ) {}

    public function __invoke(Eloquent|Builder $builder)
        $builder->tap($this->trendInterval())->tap(new EloquentPeriodScope($this->period));
    public function datapoints(Closure $callback): array
        $rows = [];
        $carbonPeriod = CarbonPeriod::create($this->period->start(), $this->increment(), $this->period->end(), CarbonPeriod::IMMUTABLE);

        /** @var CarbonImmutable[] $datapoints */
        $datapoints = $carbonPeriod->toArray();

        foreach ($datapoints as $datapoint) {
            $rows[] = $callback($datapoint);
        return $rows;
    private function trendInterval(): TimeSeries
        return match ($this->interval->toString()) {
            'day' => new GroupByDay($this->period->field()),
            'week' => new GroupByWeek($this->period->field()),
            'month' => new GroupByMonth($this->period->field()),
            'quarter' => new GroupByQuater($this->period->field()),
            'year' => new GroupByYear($this->period->field()),
            default => throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid parameter interval with value [$interval]"),
    private function increment(): string
        return match ($this->interval->toString()) {
            'day' => '1 day',
            'week' => '1 week',
            'month' => '1 month',
            'quarter' => '3 months',
            'year' => '1 year',
            default => throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid parameter interval with value [$interval]"),

final class EloquentPeriodScope
    public function __construct(private Period $period) {}

    public function __invoke(Eloquent|Builder $builder): void
        $builder->when($this->period->valid(), function (Eloquent|Builder $builder) {
                [$this->period->start(), $this->period->end(),

final class GroupByDay implements TimeSeries
    public function __construct(private string $field) {}

    public function __invoke(Builder $builder): void
        $builder->selectRaw("DATE_FORMAT($this->field,'%Y-%m-%d') as `period`")

final class GroupByWeek implements TimeSeries
    public function __construct(private string $field) {}

    public function __invoke(Builder $builder): void
        $builder->selectRaw("DATE_FORMAT($this->field, '%x w%v') as `period`")

final class GroupByMonth implements TimeSeries
    public function __construct(private string $field) {}

    public function __invoke(Builder $builder): void
        $builder->selectRaw("DATE_FORMAT($this->field, '%Y-%m') as `period`")

final class GroupByQuarter implements TimeSeries
    public function __construct(private string $field) {}

    public function __invoke(Builder $builder): void
        $builder->selectRaw("CONCAT(YEAR($this->field), ' Q', QUARTER($this->field)) as `period`")

final class GroupByYear implements TimeSeries
    public function __construct(private string $field) {}

    public function __invoke(Builder $builder): void
        $builder->selectRaw("DATE_FORMAT($this->field, '%Y') as `period`")

The EloquentTrend is not an extensive class. It's essentially a helper class that will bind the EloquentPeriodScope and a TimeSeries in a single operation. The EloquentPeriodScope will bind the user-provided start and end date in a WHERE clause with BETWEEN. The GroupBy clauses will add a new column to be brought from the database that represents the exact period which the data point falls into and also applies the GROUP BY clause into it.

This concludes how the query is written and executed. With the help of the extremely powerful tap() method we can delegate the responsibility of adding purpose-built modifications to the query for specific classes. Let's circle back to the datapoints method now. With the help of CarbonPeriod, we can create an array that has every single data point necessary for the trend respecting the continuity requirement. We then run a callback for each datapoint so that the Repository class can format the array that will represent the calculated response of the trend. That's it! With this set of components, building a Trend or Correlation Report is a matter of writing a few lines of Repository class that will tie together the Table and the user parameters with the EloquentTrend class. Returning this to a frontend application allows for some very nice trend charts.

User-bound Data Access Restriction

In the corporate world, and specially with GDPR and data privacy, the ability to limit the user to a subset of data is not just a nice-to-have functionality, but rather a must-have. Fortune 500 enterprises often has a journey through data security and restrictive access throughout a large user base. As I showed on the previous topic, Eloquent's tap() is a wonderful and powerful functionality that allows for purpose-built query modification that are explicit.

Data restriction is a subject that was part of the very early design of the application I've been working for more than 3 years. In the early days I tried Global Scopes, Local Scopes and Macros. They all have somewhat a similar drawback:

  • Complex static analyses which reduces IDE code completion
  • Implicit behavior that is hard to debug
  • Lack of flexibility / reusability.

I could never get used to debugging Global scopes. I would look at the database and see the data, look at the code and see no reason for why a specific record would simply not come up. Sometimes in a large query it's hard to notice one WHERE clause added by a Global Scope. But they are highly reusable. Local Scopes are the opposite. Putting Local Scopes on traits just doesn't feel like a nice development style for what I was doing. At some point I decided to give macros a chance, although I also remember having a conversation with my team that "they felt like runtime inheritance with direct access to global scope". And it's the option that least had decent IDE support. I spent weeks dreaming of having the ability to implement Laravel's Scope interface but declare it's usage like a local scope. At some point I even sent a pull request to Laravel attempting to allow invocable classes to modify the Query Builder, but that's when I learned about tap. With tap() it's possible to do the things I'm trying to accomplish without any of the drawbacks brought by the other options. It's explicit and right in the developer's face which invocable class is being used (like local scopes). It's highly reusable for multiple reports (like global scopes) as seen by the Trend implementation on the previous topic. And it has no impact on static analyses / code autocompletion like macros. Here's the implementation that I settled with nearly 2 years ago:

final class EloquentRestrictionFilter
    private ?string $table;

    public function __construct(private User $user) {}

    public function qualify(string $table): self
        $this->table = $table;

        return $this;

    public function __invoke(Builder $builder)
        $filters = $this->user->enforcedFilters();

        foreach ($filters as $filter) {
            $column = $this->qualify($filter->foreignKey());
            $builder->whereIn($column, $filter->values());

    private function qualify(string $field): string
        if ($this->table) {
            return $this->table . '.' . $field;

        return $field;

This class will be used on any reporting that must enforce an automatic filter criteria that is assigned to the authenticated user. If we go back to the Repository from the Trend report, we can modify it to accommodate this restriction like this:

        $purchaseTrend = $this->purchase->newQuery()
            ->selectRaw('COUNT(*) as `aggregate`')

        $ticketTrend = $this->ticket->newQuery()
            ->selectRaw('COUNT(*) as `aggregate`')

In some cases, I have queries that join multiple tables and the user restriction may conflict between columns from multiple tables. If you've worked with a few join queries in MySQL you might know the 'Column x is ambiguous' error. There's essentially two ways to attempt to handle that. One of them involves doing $builder->qualify() within the EloquentRestrictionFilter class. Laravel's Builder will automatically qualify the column with it's own table name. However, sometimes I've had issues with that format because of UNION ALL clauses where the primary Eloquent Model differs from the secondary table being unionized. For that reason I tend to make it explicit within the invocable class itself:


I understand this model is far from sophisticated. The reason it actually works for me is because for the past 15 years everyone that has changed the database which I work on has consistently made sure that a few key attributes are present on all relevant tables. Hence user access to parts of the data model are "simplified" in a way that users can be configured to have limited access and the limiting attribute will be present throughout the system where it's relevant. The beauty of tap() is that when I'm working on reports that don't handle sensitive data, I can simply not apply the restriction scope at all and it will be clear and explicit.

Lazy Union

Perhaps the example that I'll use for this topic might be questionable at best, but I kindly ask for your patience and bear with me. Remember that I'm talking about a system that started about 15 years ago in an era that nobody could even dream of composer. Parts of the database design is that much old and has years of code relying on such design. So even if the example looks a bit far fetching, it resembles a real scenario that I have worked on and I can proudly say that I'm satisfied with the current reporting we have in place.

Picture 4 tables: purchases, stale_purchases, holiday_purchases and invalid_purchases. They all have the same set of columns. In fact, they could all be a single table with a status column in them. Unfortunately they were designed with the mindset that a single table indefinitely growing over time would lead to so many records that it would take forever to report on them. So they were split into smaller chunks to make it "more manageable". The irony of it all is that nowadays the biggest performance problem we have is caused by UNION ALL clauses because MySQL loses the ability to use indexes and require a full materialization to perform outer modifications.

I learned that if I can push down clauses to the individual tables, then I get to better manipulate how the database will handle these operations by working with composite indexes.

Before we move on to implementation, there's another subject I want to talk about: the OR devil. When working with a large dataset and trying to load a high variety of data, OR can be a database killer. This is because MySQL will lose it's ability to navigate through the indexes. Picture a MySQL index like a PHP array. If you know what you're looking for, then the access to $data['specific_index'] will give you a jump start on where to locate your data. But what if the data we're looking for can either be on $data['specific_index'] OR $data['some_other_index'] OR $data['yet_another_index']. MySQL makes a best-effort in trying to judge whether to use an INDEX or not. Imagine if the time it takes to make a decision between INDEX or FULL SCAN table is higher than just doing a FULL SCAN. Any time wasted in trying to decide one or another is time that could be spent on the worst-case scenario. For complex OR clauses, with high diversity, MySQL will simply make a fast decision of going with a full table scan. There's a workaround for that. If my query makes use of several UNION ALL instead of OR clauses, then each individual query can target a specific high-performance index.

Keeping these two use case in mind, here's a nice little trick we can do with Eloquent.

final class ValidPurchaseUnion
    private Builder $purchase;

    private Builder $stale;
    private Builder $holiday;

    public function __construct(Builder $purchase, Builder $stale, Builder $holiday)
        $this->purchase = $purchase;
        $this->stale = $stale;
        $this->holiday = $holiday;

    public function purchase(): Builder
        return $this->purchase;

    public function stale(): Builder
        return $this->stale;
    public function holiday(): Builder
        return $this->holiday;

    public function unionize(): LazyUnion
        $statusFilter = fn($status) => (clone $this->holiday)->where('holiday_purchases.status', $status);

        $holidayBuilders = collect(HolidayPurchase::VALID_PURCHASES)->map($statusFilter)->toArray();

        return new LazyUnion($this->purchase, $this->stale, ...$holidayBuilders);

Before we talk about the LazyUnion class, let's unpack the ValidPurchaseUnion first. Here I'm designing a report that will be looking at every valid purchase data. As a imaginary complexity, I threw in some invalid records within the holiday_purchases table - remember my introduction in this topic, it's not a complete fake requirement, it's just adapted. We have tried doing WHERE status IN(...) as well as WHERE status = ? OR status = ? ... and it all falls into the same issue that MySQL loses the ability to run effective indexes very quickly. Here's how we can make use of this class:

final class PurchaseRepository
    public function __construct(private ValidPurchaseUnion $union, private User $user) {}
    public function details()
        $this->union->purchase()->selectRaw('AVG(total_amount) as avg_amount')->where(...);
        $this->union->stale()->selectRaw('0 as total_amount`')->where(...);
            ->tap(new EloquentTrend(...))
            ->tap(new EloquentRestrictionFilter($this->user))
            ->after(fn (Builder $builder) => $builder->orderBy(...))

At this point we've seen two important factors about the ValidPurchaseUnion class: access to each builder individually for targeted query manipulation and the ability to generate multiple union clauses to avoid OR or IN() clauses for performance-focused indexes.

At the end of the Repository I'm also doing a tap() to build a trend report with the average purchase cost over time and adding the user restriction. This essentially builds on top of the 2 previous topics. Let's look at the LazyUnion to understand how this will play out.

 * @method self select(string|array $columns)
 * @method self selectRaw(string $expression, array $bindings = [])
 * @method self distinct()
 * @method self join(string $table, string $first, string $operator, string $second)
 * @method self whereColumn(string $first, string $second)
 * @method self groupBy(string $column)
 * @method self tap(callable $callback)
final class LazyUnion
    use ForwardsCalls;

    private array $builders;

    private array $after = [];

    public function __construct(Builder ...$builders)
        $this->builders = $builders;

    public function union(): Builder
        $firstBuilder = array_shift($this->builders);

        foreach ($this->builders as $builder) {

        foreach ($this->after as $callable) {

        return $firstBuilder;

    public function after(callable $callback): self
        $this->after[] = $callback;

        return $this;

    public function __call($name, $arguments)
        foreach ($this->builders as $builder) {
            $this->forwardCallTo($builder, $name, $arguments);

        return $this;

LazyUnion will hold several Builder instanes and all us to modify them all at once. Remember when I said that applying query modifications to the outer UNION sometimes lead to MySQL having to materialize a much bigger dataset than necessary? With Lazy Union we get to apply things like EloquentRestrictionFilter on all queries at once, consistently. Differently than the start of the repository, which applies dedicated modifications to each builder individually. Once we're done making modifications to all individual queries we can still make use of the after() to append some final modification to the outer query as a whole. Granted, this example isn't fully useful because we're doing union() immediately after the after() method. But the goal is actually that we can make use of after() as a way to attach query modifications to the final query at any given moment when we have a LazyUnion and often it's not the same place that will perform the final union()->get().

This is an extremely powerful tool that allows for code that is easy to reason about and navigate without sacrificing the developer's ability to make decision about how the final query will play out.

Period Comparison

This is one of my latest artwork. After years working with reports that only work on a single date range, I finally got time to invest in period comparison. The neat trick was to sacrifice the WHERE date BETWEEN clause and move it up to the SELECT SUM(IF(date BETWEEN, column, 0)). The obvious drawback is loss of indexes so we can only do this when the dataset is small enough or if we can enforce some filters that will end up making use of the table indexes. Let's look at a Repository.

Disclaimer: I have this running in production just for a few days and maybe I may come back to this later and feel that the syntax isn't friendly/nice. What I want to disclaim here is that I have not seen how debugging Period Comparison will play out yet. Everything else in this post so far have been in production for several months or even years.

    private function aggregateTicketsBuilder(): Builder
        $expression = new AggregatePeriodComparisonExpression($this->period);

        return $this->builder->tickets()
                'value' => 'int',
                'current_aggregate' => 'int',
                'previous_aggregate' => 'int',

// ---------

final class AggregatePeriodComparisonExpression
    protected array $expressions = [];

    protected array $bindings = [];

    public function __construct(private Period $period) {}

    public function count(string $alias): self
        // Read https://blog.deleu.dev/laravel-report-date-range/
        // to know how I avoid SQL Injection here.
        $field = $this->period->field();
        $this->expressions[] = "SUM(IF($field BETWEEN ? AND ?, 1, 0)) as `current_$alias`";

        $this->expressions[] = "SUM(IF($field BETWEEN ? AND ?, 1, 0)) as `previous_$alias`";

        $this->bindings = array_merge(
            [$this->period->start(), $this->period->end()],
            [$this->period->start()->subYear(), $this->period->end()->subYear()],

        return $this;

    public function __invoke(Builder $builder)
        $expression = implode(', ', $this->expressions);

        $builder->selectRaw($expression, $this->bindings);

This is a super neat trick that will allow me to expand several reports with the capability of doing year to year comparison or maybe even user-defined period comparison and I'm looking forward to what users will be doing with these capabilities. The end result essentially allows for frontend to show those green arrows or red arrows similar to how stock market do it. Has this metric grew or shrunk? Easy information and "simple code" to reason (subjective).

What about testing?

I'm a subscriber of the Laravel Feature Testing mentality where we simply let the application hit the database for tests. I currently have a test suite with more than 1k tests that run within 20 seconds. I use the php artisan test --parallel functionality with 4~8 cores and I also use docker-compose tmpfs configuration so that MySQL is running in-memory only. Tests then consist of arring the database with known data and asserting that the report will have the correct set of metrics.

I do have a confession. It gets boring. SUPER BORING. When doing the 10th report that uses the same EloquentTrend class, I don't really want to test all intervals (day, week, quater, ...) and I also don't want to test all filters, date ranges, etc. Ultimately, I have a rich set of tools that allow for a vast range of reports and whenever I'm designing a new report I try to test a couple of tools I'm using. For instance, in one report I won't write a test for GROUP BY at all, but will focus on PeriodComparison or Date Filter while another report will use generators to test every single GROUP BY of a Trend. Every tool is tested more than once by having more than 1 report testing them. Every report will have a few tests making use of some tools. In the end no single report covers every use case, but combined they kill an incredibly huge amount of mutations generated by infection/infection. Bugs still happen. Whenever a bug is found, irrespective of where in the pipeline (QA, Product or Client), a dedicated test will be written for that report/tool combination so that it never repeats again and it increases the strength of the test set. I don't like the idea of testing these tappable classes individually and not testing the user's interaction with the report.


I have a few more tools that I wanted to talk about, but this post is already far bigger than I planned. I don't even know if anybody will read it to it's full, so I'm going to stop here for now. If you made it this far, I really appreciate your time! I hope you managed to extract from my experience how powerful it is Eloquent's tap() functionality and how I leverage it to standarize certain reporting functionalities (Aggregate, Comparison, Data Restriction, Trend, Group By). In the end, the reporting is complex and the query will always be complex, there's no walking around that reality for me. But that doesn't mean the code that generates the query has to be an impossible beast.

If you liked anything I said, consider following me on Twitter. But if you think everything I said is nonsense, then follow me on Twitter.


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Marco Deleu
Writing bad code for 15 years. Passionate about Laravel and AWS.